1. Don't be afraid to start! The hardest part of any journey is the first step.
2. Do your research. Attend free classes at different martial arts groups and make sure you pick the one you enjoy the most. This is why we offer 2 free classes because we cover so much in class. No two sessions are the same.
3. Don't buy a uniform before you start. Wait and talk to the instructor, different martial arts have different doboks (the suit we wear).
4. Don't worry about being unfit... that's why you are joining- to get fit.
5. I don't have a babysitter. No problem bring the children with you. I am sure they would love to train too.
6. Do bring some water to class. You will see why later.
7. Do bring a friend. Research shows you are more likely to complete regular exercise if you don't take up a new hobby alone. The more the merrier!
8. Please contact us before you start. We welcome anyone to our class but if you drop us an email we can ensure someone is available to work with you in your session one on one when you first start.
9. Find us on social media. Be a part of our FB Page and Group to stay up to date with club news.
​10. Start today. Your future self will thank you.